Page 4 - 2018-05-CFR Volume 116 - Admission of Guilt - May 2018
P. 4

more aggressive adhesive the lifting of the material
will be eliminated or that if you used the adhesive we
told you to correctly you wouldn’t have the problem.
An admission of guilt by ignorance or even knowing
but yet saying something to deny responsibility that
makes you shake your head in disbelief.
Let’s go back to our list. When installation procedures
change on a product you may have had a problem
with, this may be an adjustment in directions or pro-
cedures based on the knowledge that we had an
“oops” moment. That is putting a procedure together
that wasn’t quite right as the product had other ideas
so we had to change how it’s installed to fit what it
actually does.
Adhesive changes – usually to a more aggressive ad-
hesive done very often to compensate for a planar or
dimensional challenge with a product. The carpet in-
dustry recommended this practice for curling carpet
tiles with backings that had recycled content or some
other inherent dimensional stress issue that they
thought using a more aggressive adhesive would cor-
rect by holding it down. Usually this didn’t work and
created another issue of making a modular replacea-
ble flooring material a permanently fixed to the sub-
strate flooring – this defeated the whole concept of
being able to replace a tile.

 The manufacturer of the cushion supplied the adhesive which           May 2018
 would stick to neither the wood or the substrate but blamed the
 installer. Again, the product is telling the story since there is no
 admission of guilt.
4 Commercial Flooring Report
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