Page 5 - 2018-07-CFR Volume 118 - The Importance of Wood Flooring Acclimation in a Commercial Setting
P. 5

the straw being the firmer walls. This will give you a mental visual of wood to put this information in per-
spective. What you should also understand is that the reputable manufacturers that have been around
for years and that have provided quality products should still be the ones you trust the most. They can
control their products and have the experience to provide you with materials that everything possible has
been done to make them the best they can be. What you don’t want to buy is wood that has been har-
vested in another part of the world that is being sawed and finished on a ship while en route to your pro-
ject. In the zeal to buy at the lowest price you may be getting a deal that pulls you right into a buzz saw
– pun intended – with no recourse when a problem arises.

To avoid wood flooring problems you have to know the characteristics of
the wood you’re selling, how it will perform, the environmental conditions
that effect and influence it, how to control them, how the wood has to be
acclimated, how it has to be installed and all other pertinent information.
If you leave out one of these important informational and practical steps
it will come back to bite you. You also have to know and understand the
quality of wood you are buying and installing, the source, how it is pro-
cessed, cut – which affects performance and stability and where it comes
from such as country of origin and much more. Wood is not that difficult
to figure out and there is a lot of information available on it from NWFA
(National Wood Flooring Association) so do your homework and get the
information so you can keep yourself out of trouble. Most often we find
the reasons for a complaint on wood are fairly easy to determine and
there are a multitude of tools to help you analyze the conditions of the
wood and the environment in which it is installed.

With wood you can’t be too cautious or too trusting. Unfortunately you       warped wood
have to be a little paranoid if you stray too far off the beaten path with   out of the box
wood flooring suppliers and manufacturers you never heard of. Stick
with the people who have reputations for delivering quality products and
heed how they tell you to use the products and learn about the wood you
want to use and you’ll avoid problems and be successful.

As Jason says, the space the wood is being installed in must
be environmentally controlled so the wood flooring doesn’t
react on you. Heed the advice and stay out of trouble.

Remember too, that if you want to stay out of trouble you can
call us to help you avoid it and if you get into trouble and
want to know honestly why and what went wrong and who is
at fault and what you can do about it, LGM is the firm to call.
We always have the answers.

                                                                 no windows in building only plastic
                                                                 covering openings

5  Commercial Flooring Report                                                                         July 2018
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