Page 7 - 2018-08-CFR Volume 119 - How Can You See What You Can’t See - The Luxury Vinyl Tile And Plank Dilemma
P. 7

substrate this can lead to the product actually cracking and breaking. These products can also flex over
a void or undulation in the substrate creating a “flexing noise” and ultimate compromise of the product. It
is most important, even if the substrate is not level that it be flat since not being flat will create problems.
There is nothing magic about these products that negates the substrate being what is should be for any
other flooring material.

And now for the big marketing miracle of         Waterproof flooring that isn’t.
these products being waterproof. Know this;      It’s delaminated.
nothing is waterproof but water. Water will
compromise anything, the Grand Canyon is
visible proof. We’ve had our first claim on a
waterproof click installed vinyl plank that de-
laminated as the top layer was glued and
not fused on. The warranty on the product
is ludicrous as it only covers the flooring if
the water stays on top of the material and
doesn’t flow down the sides. Good luck with
that. Whoever came up with that magnifi-
cently ignorant idea is suffering from cranial
rectal inversion.

Never forget that words do not change the laws of physics, chemistry or nature. And most importantly
know that the flooring never lies; it will always tell you what’s wrong if you know how to interpret what its
saying. This is how you can see what you can’t see. The answers are hiding in plain sight you just have
to know what to look for and how. On top of that you have to call us when you have a question or a
problem with these types of products or any other flooring issue for that matter – we really do know this
stuff and we do have the answers.

7  Commercial Flooring Report                                                     August 2018
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