Page 3 - 2018-02-CFR Volume 113 -The Magic Of Interim Maintenance Procedures - February 2018
P. 3

No, the carpet needs to have tools used in an interim
process that will physically brush the soils, either wet
or dry, from the deep recesses of the carpet. Enter
the counter rotating brush machine. This tool will use
two reel type brushes to comb through the fibers and
tufts to remove all the debris the vacuum system has
missed in routine services. This strategic procedure
can be used as a dry method to replace the old pile
lifting machines or as a low moisture maintenance
operation called encapsulation.

The encapsulation method for carpet maintenance is
a low moisture process for maintenance manage-
ment. It is designed to be a high production rate, fast
drying process. It accomplishes an astounding
amount of soil removal if employed strategically and
correctly. Because of the frequency employed,
(usually every 15 to 45 days depending on traffic and
season) it does a good job on the 15 to 45 days
worth of soils found in the carpet. Because it dries
quickly, (less moisture used in the process = faster
drying) it can be used weekly or monthly without a lot
of special set up or weekend only scenarios usually
needed by higher moisture maintenance methods.

3  Commercial Flooring Report                             February 2018
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