Page 4 - 2019-01-CFR Volume 124 - Truth or Consequences - Words Don't Make It So - January 2019
P. 4

heaters is that propane produces 4 cubic feet of
       water vapor for every cubic foot of gas it burns.
       Natural gas produces 2 cubic feet of water vapor
       for every cubic foot of gas it burns—see the prob-
       lem? Instead of drying out and heating the space,
       the propane heater is actually adding water vapor
       to the mix. This means that the building and con-
       crete will take much longer to dry out and the floor-
       ing will take longer to acclimate and adjust to am-
       bient moisture conditions before it can be installed.
       The propane heaters will also add moisture to the
       substrate and there may also be a residue emitted
       that will contaminate the substrate.  It is near im-
       possible to burn propane without some contami-

       One of the biggest causes of problems in the floor-
       ing industry is peer pressure among manufacturers
       to meet competition by making marketing claims
       with no basis in fact because so and so is doing it.
       Did you ever wonder where the limits for moisture
       vapor emission rates came from that flooring man-
       ufacturers tout?  They have no scientists who de-
       termine this stuff and maybe two manufacturers in
       the industry even have the wherewithal to do any
       testing themselves.  So, it’s just a follow the other
       guy thing. Everybody wants answers, but you can’t
       just make stuff up to comply. The risk is worth the
       reward for them because they don’t want to lose
       the sale.  They’ll then deny the claim until you
       push hard enough to get them to act.  The
       squeaky wheel gets the grease.

       I’ll leave you with this statement from a very recent
       situation we’re involved in where the manufactur-
       er’s claims analyst  wrote a letter to the end user
       saying, “We’ll extend the warranty to cover labor
       for a full 7 years” and then, in the last paragraph of
       the same letter they wrote, “we are not warranting
       the installation or repair services of the flooring
       contractor.”  So, whose labor are you warranting
       since you’re the manufacturer and you didn’t install
       the flooring?  That was done by the flooring con-
       tractor, so I guess you’re not warranting the instal-
       lation.  Do you see how ridiculous these things

       We deal with the truth in all flooring matters but
       that comes with someone first having suffered the
       consequences. If you want to stay out of trouble
       and avoid flooring failures contact us and be as-
       sured you’ll stay out of trouble.  And if you have a
       flooring problem or failure, we are definitely the
       guys you want to contact.  We can tell you what
       went wrong and why, who’s at fault and what has
       to be done to fix the failure.

      4                                            Commercial Flooring Report                               January 2019
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