706-370-5888 lgmtcs@optilink.us

What is the significance of branding to claims and does it have any real influence on the selection of a particular product?  One of the answers to this question would have you look no further than women’s fashion accessories and in particular purses.  No matter what the social strata it seems women want to own a Louis Vitton purse.  If you or your wife or significant other has had any exposure to this product you’ll know that these purses are not cheap by any means.  A particular style also doesn’t last that long so if a woman owns one she’ll likely want others to add to the collection.  If one can’t be owned for the fetching rate in excess of $1,000.00 then a “knock off” can be purchased on the street.  At any rate, the status symbol of having a Louis Vitton on the arm makes a statement. 

Let’s put this in terms guys can understand.  The two X chromosomes makes us prone to wanting to own some automobile of significance.  The brands we buy whether it is a Mercedes, BMW, Lexus, Cadillac, Porsche, Bentley or some other fancy make indicates to those who see it that you aspire to the finer things in life.  It may be you’re way or rewarding yourself for the years of hard work but it signifies you have arrived at a certain level of success. 

The same principals that drive the purchase of a Louis Vitton purse,St. Johnwomen’s clothing, Mercedes or BMW for that matter also drive the sale of branded flooring materials.  The better the product and the loftier its reputation, the more meaning it has for the consumer.  Especially the Baby Boom generation and those that have followed, we want to have the best.  If not in every room of the house, at least for those rooms that people will see or that have special meaning for you.  For example, look at the types of kitchen appliances being offered and sold today and it will give you an indication of what people want and what they’re buying.  Products that are institutional quality are everywhere. 

Buying a brand doesn’t only mean you can afford the best, it also means you get the support associated with the brand name.  Buying a brand name should give you higher quality, better performance, longer lasting and meaningful warranties, some semblance of peace of mind that make buying a brand name product a wise decision.  As the saying goes, you get what you pay for.  If you buy a name brand product that’s usually true.  Spending more up front on a brand name product will give you satisfaction of ownership in the short term and longer and better performance over the life of the product.  You would also expect that a high quality product will last longer and hold its value longer. 

With floor covering materials the better the product the better it should perform.  Name brands that have established themselves over many years and have a history of high quality and performance will be a better value for the dealer selling them and the consumer buying them.  You should expect less trouble from these products in the form of complaints, claims and defects.  They will also normally come with technical back up support, installation information and guidelines for care and maintenance.  These are hallmarks of quality support for a quality product and it’s something that the flooring dealer and consumer should expect with a brand name. 

Armstrong is one of the most recognized brand names in the industry and has always been equated with quality.  It is a name consumers’ and dealers alike have trusted over the years to perform as expected with confidence.  This is what brand name products are supposed to do and it’s why branding and brand recognition sells.  Branded products create success for everyone in the supply chain.

Author: Lewis G. Migliore

LGM and Associates – The Floorcovering Experts