706-370-5888 lgmtcs@optilink.us

The larger manufacturers, those you likely buy a great deal of flooring material from, have begun implementing a new claims policy and forms to be used by independent inspectors.  This form will likely find its way to customers of the manufacturers that would be you, who they allow to file “quick claims” or self claims.  The new claims forms are basically fill in the blank forms that allow for no conclusion to be made by the inspector.  Not that all inspectors know their ear from their elbow, many do not, but there are plenty of them out there that really do understand the products they’re looking at and can tell the difference between a defect and an inherent characteristic of the flooring.  The decision from these knowledgeable inspectors as to whether or not the product is defective is now being taken away from them by the manufacturer.  The manufacturer wants to make the decision themselves to conclude if the product is defective, giving them the ability to deny or honor a claim.  The fox is now securely guarding the entrance to the hen house making it nearly impossible for anyone else to enter.  

What does this mean to you?  Most of you don’t like independent inspectors but there are many of them, some I’ve known for years that really are good at what they do.  They have the product knowledge to make a determination in the field – the ability to correctly and responsibly report the true facts that allow for the proper decision to be made.  This ability has now been taken from them and you’re going to get the decision from the manufacturer, right or wrong.  I can understand the manufacturers wanting to take control of claims because this is an area that sucks profit from the business, the same as it does with you.  However, it makes inspectors mere reporters as they fill out forms which allow for no conclusions to be made by them – this is frustrating for you and the inspector.  Getting back to the control issue, if the manufacturer is in control of the claim the chances have increased of it being denied.  If it is denied and you feel wrongly so, you’ll have to pay to prove otherwise and then fight the system.  Certainly this can be done; the squeaky wheel still gets the grease.  But you’d better feel very strongly about having your facts because the manufacturer is not giving anything away. 

You’re going to have to understand that whoever is behind the wheel gets to go where they want.  You are not behind the wheel so you’ll have to fight to change direction.  What you can do to take control is better understand the products you sell, know what they will and won’t do and put the right product in the right place, something you should be doing anyway.  If you question a products performance, install some of it in your highest traffic area to see for yourself just how well it does.  If it holds up well under adverse conditions you can feel comfortable about selling it but if it doesn’t then don’t sell it. 

Today you can’t afford to have any of your customers unhappy.  They have to work just as hard as you to make ends meet and when they make an investment in the products you sell they want to be satisfied and happy.  They want the product to live up to their expectations and they’ll take you to task, without mercy, if it doesn’t.   Deny the manufacturers the ability to deny your claims, with or without their new claims policies and forms.  Selling the right product into the right place, especially when you understand exactly how it will perform, is the best thing you can do to increase your profits, satisfy your customers and eliminate losses from claims. 

If you need help contact us; we’re here for you. 

Author: Lewis G. Migliore

LGM and Associates – The Floorcovering Experts