706-370-5888 lgmtcs@optilink.us

If you Google this phrase it is attributed, in various forms, to several notables, my scholarly Editor in Chief, Al Whanon, likely knows exactly who said this.  Be that as it may, the phrase speaks volumes for all of us.  Certainly no one would argue that these are adverse times; difficult, challenging, frustrating and down right scary, to be honest.  But, if we stand back and get a clear picture we can see the opportunity.  The simple fact is that every house and building in the country requires floor covering.  That being the case people will only look at an ugly place for so long.  With families staying home more they have plenty of time to be inundated with a home that is wearing on them.  The same holds true for businesses.  They may not want to spend a lot of money but fresh paint and flooring certainly has a way of “lighting up their lives.”  The opportunity in these times is finding the right message that puts you in front of the consumer who is in the market for new floor covering. 

The pent up demand is also an opportunity.  People are paying down debt, banks aren’t making loans and if you are aware of the news, siphoning through the rhetoric first, you know that consumers are saving cold hard cash.  Interiors are not getting any better looking and eventually all the projects that have been put on hold will begin to open up.  It may only be one room at a time or one space at a time but it will be refurbished.  The three basic human needs are food, clothing and shelter and since people are spending so much time at home, in their shelter, they’ll want to make it as comfortable as they can.  That bodes well for you.  Dealers I’ve spoken to around the country have told me they see business starting to stabilize.  It may not be great but the downward slide has subsided.  For certain products people are still spending money.  TV’s, state of the art phones, shoes, lipstick and makeup, are but a few of the products doing big business.  And despite what you may think some segments of the flooring industry are doing double digit business. 

One need only to watch the history channel to see that man has had to experience untold challenges through generations that he has adapted to.  Watch the Science Channel to amaze yourself at what the future which is now holds in store.  The most adaptable will survive.  I have always been a believer that when the going gets tough, the tough get going and that in the face of adversity lies opportunity.  There’s more opportunity in my opinion then ever if you make yourself aware of it.  Business and the way it is being done is evolving at a pace so fast it’s dizzying.  These are actually exciting times if you embrace change.  If it scares you and you continue to do business they way you have always done it you may very well not survive but if you can see the opportunities that lie ahead by thinking and looking outside the box, you will not only survive but thrive.  My friend Warren Tyler told me some years ago that “any man can out think a billion dollar corporation.” I love that statement because it is so true.  So to can you outthink your competition to not only be the survivor but the “thriver.”  If all of this flooring is going to be sold into all of the space, why shouldn’t you be the one to sell it?

Author: Lewis G. Migliore

LGM and Associates – The Floorcovering Experts