706-370-5888 lgmtcs@optilink.us

Shaw, Mohawk and Beaulieu have revised their residential carpet warranties for 2007. It is now a requirement that certain cleaning chemicals and systems with the CRI Seal of Approval be used to maintain carpet manufactured after January 2007.  The primary reason for this change is that cleaning and maintenance have been a thorn in the side of the industry relative to claims.  Since there has never really been any warranty based guidelines on how to maintain carpet what to use and because proper cleaning and maintenance is imperative to the success of carpets performance and appearance, it is a forgone conclusion that this action is necessary.  In addition, the big three are also advising that consumers make sure their vacuum cleaners are certified through CRI’s Green Label.  Shaw Industries has made changes in their Carpet Care brochure to reflect these changes.  

What does this mean to the retail carpet dealer?  First of all you’re going to have to go the CRI’s website and get information on the Seal of Approval Program (www.carpet-rug.org) so you understand it; how it works, what it does and what it says.  You’re also going to have to get the information relative to these changes and information on the new warranties from Shaw, Mohawk and Beaulieu.  You’re going to have to inform your sales staff of these changes and have the information from each manufacturer handy and, last but not least, you’re going to have to make certain your customers, each and every one of them, is informed of the new warranties and it is their responsibility to keep the carpet clean.  Just like a new car dealer you are going to have to be aware of maintaining the product to keep the warranty in effect.  This is new to the carpet industry but it is not new to warranty enforcement on most products that the consuming public is aware of.  If your thinking this is going to be a pain I’d beg to differ since consumers are already aware of having to maintain other products, particularly their cars, to keep the warranty in force. And, if the consumer is aware of the fact that they have to maintain their carpet this will benefit you in several ways.  First, it will eliminate or minimize claims for soiled carpets.  Dirt can be cleaned from a carpet as can be spots.  Most of what consumers call stains are actually spots.  A stain will either impart color or strip it from the carpet.  Mustard is a stain, a carbonated beverage is not.  Acne medication is a stain – it strips color, hair shampoo, for example, leaves a sticky residue that will attract soil leaving a dark spot – this is not a stain.  Neither mustard nor Acne medications are covered in most warranties, unless the warranty specifically states it. 

How will these warranties benefit you, and they actually will.  Once you do all your research on what meets the Green Label and Seal of Approval program you can sell sundry items that qualify.  This way when your customer asks you what to use to clean the carpet you’ll have it to sell to them.  You can also sell vacuum cleaners that are Green Label approved.  Research shows that the majority of consumers who buy new carpet also buy new vacuum cleaners; this is a sale you won’t have to lose to someone else.  You can also get into the carpet cleaning business or partner with a firm that has a Seal of Approval rating to clean and maintain the carpet.  Also, there are do it yourself systems that qualify for the Seal of Approval program that you can rent out.  This is actually a good thing for you if you’re smart enough to recognize it as a wise business decision.  You get to lower your complaints and claims and increase your profits at the same time, how can you beat that?  You also get to have a service department, just like an auto dealer, that can be a major profit center for you, same as it is in the auto business.  This is not new ground being covered relative to warranties and service for the consumer.  It is new ground for the carpet industry and I think it’s a really good move.  For so many years we have avoided saying the carpet needs cleaning, warranties made people believe carpet was bullet proof – it is not.  Now we have moved back in a saner and logical direction with the industry saying we want you to enjoy your new carpet and here’s what you have to do to insure that. 

All of the residential manufacturers will eventually have warranties that reflect those of the big three.  It will likely move to the commercial market soon as well.  All we need now, which has been needed, is installers who are trained and certified, just like the mechanics in the auto industry. 

Author: Lewis G. Migliore

LGM and Associates – The Floorcovering Experts