706-370-5888 lgmtcs@optilink.us

The consumer in this case purchased an 8 x 10 rug and rebond cushion and installed it in the kitchen/ dining area over vinyl flooring.   After a period of time, which was not stated, they noticed that under the rug and cushion the vinyl flooring had turned purple.  They blamed the rug on the color change and felt that there was a defect in the rug that caused the discoloration.  The consumer also furnished two articles about vinyl discoloration from rug backings which turned vinyl flooring yellow.  Remember, the vinyl in this case had turned purple, not yellow. 

Photos provided indicated the area affected was in front of sliding glass doors and the purple discoloration was more pronounced closer to the doors, angled and faded as it got further away.  Vinyl flooring subjected to continuous exposure to sunlight and UV rays will turn purple.  The pattern of discoloration that existed in this case is indicative of the effects of exposure to sunlight.   The angle of the discoloration also indicates the direction of the sunlight when it is at its strongest and most influential position.  The rug over the top of the affected area is rectangular in shape.  The purple discoloration of the vinyl flooring is angular and less intense the further under the rug you look.   What may throw you looking at the photos is why is there no purple discoloration of the vinyl for the first 2 ½ feet from the sliding glass doors even though it is clearly evident the sun shines onto flooring material.   If you look closely you’ll see that there is discoloration, a yellowish brown and some purplish hue to the floor.  Keep in mind that when the earth rotates the angle of the suns changes.   Day after day the exposure of the sun hits at an angle that will create this purple color change you see.  Also the roof overhang will block the sun directly in front of the door, depending on the angle of exposure.  Vinyl can also turn a brownish shade from sun exposure.  This is also an older vinyl flooring material, which should be obvious.

The consumer believes the color change is from the rug.  The cushion would obviously be more suspect because it is in direct contact with the vinyl flooring and the discoloration would be 8×10; the shape of the rug and cushion.   Vinyl flooring will turn yellow beneath rugs with a rubber or latex type backing.  Neither the rug nor the cushion has rubber or latex type backings.  The rug is cut from a piece of broadloom carpet with a woven polypropylene backing and the cushion is rebond made up of pieces of polyurethane foam.  

I’ve said this for years and have mentioned in countless columns that the evidence never lies.  Vinyl discoloration is common to intense sunlight exposure.  The angle of discoloration indicates the line of exposure, the rug and cushion are rectangular in shape, and the purple discoloration is in a completely different shape, flooring material discoloration is common in front of sliding glass doors particularly with a southerly or south westerly exposure.  In this case the evidence clearly and irrefutably indicates the purple discoloration is the result of sun exposure.  The discoloration existed prior to the rug being installed, it would not appear afterward on areas exposed to the sunlight because there is nothing in the rug or cushion that would catalyst a change.  The consumer felt otherwise, filed a claim that was denied and then took her case to small claims court.  Without information to substantiate a defense, the retail dealer might lose the case.  Don’t ever let anything like this happen to you.  When you need help call us.             

Author – Lewis G. Migliore

LGM and Associates – The Floorcovering Experts