706-370-5888 lgmtcs@optilink.us

2009-02-07 SURFACES 2009

There’s no question the crowds were lighter at Surfaces this year but every manufacturer I spoke to said they were surprised that business at the event was much better than they expected.  No one I spoke to was disappointed.  All the “A” players were in attendance and...

2009-01-12 MAKE THE BEST OF 2009

Happy New Year to all of you and best wishes for good health, happiness and prosperity.  Relative to prosperity the key is to pay attention to detail, get better at business than you  are, be as unique as you can and remember what you got into this business for in the...

2010-01-04 A NEW YEAR

Every year at this time I put together a list of business and personal goals for the New Year and then give myself time to think about it.  I write this list down so I can go back and look at it throughout the year but surprisingly if you make the commitment to make...


This story comes from one of the many contacts we have in the field who use us as a resource to help them resolve concerns, complaints and flooring issues.  A southernUSbeach hotel manager reported that several guest rooms of the hotel looked like the carpet was...


Everyday we deal with a multitude of problems, each of them different; you’d be surprised.  This issue is important because so many installation failures are caused by substrate problems.  However, the responsibility of the flooring dealer or contractor is not to...


A piece of carpet installed in a bedroom mysteriously lost yarn from two spots next to each other.  The yarn was completely gone; no sign of it in the backing or anywhere else, as if it had vanished into thin air.  The dealer was at a loss as to the cause.  He did...