Standard of care is the degree of care an ordinary, reasonable, and prudent person would exercise in given circumstances. Used as a test of liability in cases of negligence, this standard is not applied uniformly on all persons because varying degrees of...
Each year the speakers at Surfaces are furnished with evaluation forms that rate us on how we did. The results are a barometer of whether or not the attendees felt like they got value and for the most part you felt you did, which certainly inspires the speakers. ...
Having just returned from Surfaces I have to say it was probably my best show ever. Despite the slowdown in the economy the mood was more than up beat. We can say that on average business is probably down overall between 15 and 20% for flooring manufacturers but...
With all the talk about new carpet fibers, improvements to existing fibers, recyclability and sustainability what are you to believe? How much of this is marketing hype, how much is truth and most importantly what exactly is the difference? There are four primary...
Is anyone wondering how business will be for 2010? Many retail dealers have experienced increases in business in 2009 for several reasons. First they are in markets that were not badly affected by the economic downturn. That’s not to say that the slow economy has...
The interest in this subject is overwhelming. Moisture issues affecting floor covering obviously involve floor covering dealers all over. The three flooring materials affected most often by moisture issues are sheet vinyl, wood and carpet. There is a common...